District Poonch is connected to other parts of the state / country through Road links only. It is about 240 Km from Jammu, the winter capital of Jammu and Kashmir State. As road passes through hilly region the time taken to travel this distance is more than that taken in plain area. The Public transport like Buses, 2×2 Video Coaches, Light Motor Passenger Vehicles etc takes about six-seven hours to reach Poonch from Jammu.
Srinagar, Winter capital of State, is connected through Mughal Road and also via Jammu. Upto Jammu one can consider Rail, Road or Air network. After that one has to travel by road only to reach Poonch. The buses from Jammu are available from 5 am to 12 noon. Other type of public transport is available from 4 am to 4 pm.
At Poonch you can find many hotels. Accommodation at PWD Dak banglow Poonch may also be arranged.
A Road Map from Jammu to Poonch is being provided for the ready reference displays the road route to Poonch from Jammu.

How to reach Poonch