
Noori Chammb

Noori Chammb associated with the name of Mughal Queen Noor Jahan is famous for its scenic beauty & water fall. It is situated near Behram Galla in Surankote Tehsil about 45 kms. from Poonch town. The fall of the stream gives rise to dense clouds of water vapours which engulfs the area & spread all over. The Emperor Jahangir had developed so much fancy & liking for this fall that he named it Noori Chammb after the name of his beloved queen Noor Jahan. Mughal queen used to stay here for relaxation. She had got fixed a mirror besides the fall on the mountain wall where she used to have her make- up after the bath.

Photo Gallery

  • NooriChamb
    Noori Chamb
  • NooriChammb
    Noori Chammb

How to Reach :

By Air

Nearest Airport is Jammu Airport 240 Km from Poonch, and via Srinagar Airport (via Mughal Road) it is 190 Km.

By Train

Nearest Railway Railway Station is Jammu Tawi i.e 240 KM from Poonch

By Road

From Poonch it is 45 KM.